The United Methodist Hymnal


The God of Abraham Praise

1.	The God of Abraham praise, 
	who reigns enthroned above; 
	Ancient of Everlasting Days, 
	and God of love; 
	Jehovah, great I AM!  
	by earth and heaven confessed; 
	I bow and bless the sacred name 
	forever blest.

2.	The great I AM has sworn; 
	I on this oath depend.  
	I shall, on eagle wings upborne, 
	to heaven ascend.
	I shall behold God's face; 
	I shall God's power adore, 
	and sing the wonders of God's grace 

3.	The heavenly land I see, 
	with peace and plenty blest; 
	a land of sacred liberty, 
	and endless rest.
	There milk and honey flow, 
	and oil and wine abound, 
	and trees of life forever grow 
	with mercy crowned.

4.	The God who reigns on high 
	the great archangels sing, 
	and "Holy, holy, holy!" cry,
	"Almighty King!  
	Who was, and is, the same, 
	and evermore shall be:  
	Jehovah, Lord, the great I AM, 
	we worship thee!"

WORDS: Thomas Olivers, 1760, alt.
Theme: Adoration and Praise; Assurance; Heaven; Opening Hymns; The Glory of the Triune God: God's Nature; The Glory of the Triune God: God's Nature